Regional Park & Recreation Area, Inc.

"Preserving where history happened at Saline Crossing (the first pioneer settlement, circa 1815, in Saline County, Arkansas)"
Join us
We are a not-for-profit, IRS 501(c)(3) foundation chartered in Arkansas. All members and officers are volunteers, serving without pay.
Membership is open to the public by either an annual fee of $25 or a lifetime fee of $100.
Supporting Memberships are:
SILVER.....................$ 250.00
GOLD........................$ 500.00
PLATINUM..............$ 1000.00
Our Vision
The mission of Saline Crossing Regional Park & Recreation Area Inc., is to restore and preserve the Old River Bridge, circa 1891, at the historic Saline Crossing site where the Southwest Trail (Military Road) crosses the Saline River; to develop safe, serviceable, and appropriate public access to the Saline River and the historical area; to create a regional park and recreation area along the Saline River; and to promote appreciation for the historical and ecological significance of both Saline Crossing and the Saline River.
Meeting Times
Next Meeting
Second Tuesday of the month at 6pm
-- Always open to the public --
Benton Area Chamber of Commerce
607 N. Market St
Benton, AR 72015